5+2 days - For Emergent Leaders
Future leaders need to be radical in knowing what to keep and what to change in the world they inherit. This involves developing quality of good judgement for handling the uncertainty of the future and the unpredictability of other people’s responses.
Interested in our upcoming programme?
The OFL programme on organisational life and leadership will alert you to the issues that play out in complex organisational situations. Providing you a safe place to experience, practice and grow personally, fully accessing strengths you already possess. You can use this experiential programme in order to develop your creativity and maturity, to be ready, alert and to experiment with situations that you will encounter over the coming ten years in your work.
Some of the OFL-programmes, run in parallel with ‘Living Labs’ with more experienced leaders. This intergenerational element adds different elements to the programme.
OFL is specifically designed for emergent leaders. People in their late twenties to thirties, starting to develop their current and future roles; who wish to explore how the politics and norms of organisations operate.
You will gain deep insight in your natural style of operating and how that affects others. And you will have real experience in adapting your style to become more effective – both for yourself and those you need to influence. And you will recognize the strengths and weaknesses of others – and will be better at managing your own and other people’s reactions.
Your team and organisation will notice your increased effectiveness and allow you to take on additional and/ or different responsibilities.
The first 5 days combines personal leadership development within a real-life laboratory of group and organisational processes. This involves living out the dynamics of leading, sharing and executing group tasks. Debriefing the personal interaction that happened to you in the laboratory, using the real-life situations that took place. Understanding what challenged you and made you good in how you operated and where you might develop. Looking at habitual responses you wish to explore and shift.
In Module 2, some six weeks later, you will bring your experience back at work after Module 1, to experiment with ideas and norms of leadership, focusing on your own personal work-related behaviour and develop further.
Some of the OFL programmes are run in combination with a Living Labs group. The intergenerational element adds an extra dimension.
Stimulated by alumni, we adapted the OFL programme for university students and high school groups. The atmosphere and feedback have been amazing. Even with groups that were highly sceptical at the start (as enrolment was group-based rather than an individual choice).